What is programming?

Julio Sergio
2 min readApr 27, 2021


Screen photo showing terminal commands

If you are reading this article, you are using a eletronic device, unless that you printed it and you are reading in a paper sheet (I ask myself why would you do that). Did you ever stop to think about how this device (assuming that you are using one) works?

Well, it’s a mix of science, eletronic components, sleepless nights, programming, among other things. Well, I know what science is, I know what a component is, I know from experience what sleepless nights is, but what is programming? We got to the topic of this article!

Programming basically is a series of instructions given to one device that is capable of understand and execute them. It can be applied in many different tech areas, like robotics, game development, web development, and so forth.

How about an example? Let’s imagine that I am the reader that is reading this article. As I am a handsome and smart being, i loved this article and I want to share it with my friends. There is more than one way to do this, but I will do that task in way that it will work in any device.

Step One: go to the URL of this website (that thing up there, where is written medium.com/otherStuff) and select all it’s text.

Step Two: select the “Copy” option, that can be shown in different ways depending of what are you using to read this.

Step Three: go to a social media that has a friend of yours.

Step Four: click at the “Paste” option and after that write about how much you had fun reading this article.

Except that to make the computer understand, you need to write in a stranger way, something like this:

sendMessage("Look what a cool article!")

Confuse, isn’t it? Well, for better understandment, what about learning more about programming?

Thank you for reading! If you want to follow me on social media, click on the links below:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julio-sergio-ferreira-silva/

GitHub (site with the projects that Iprogrammed): https://github.com/JulioSergioFS



Julio Sergio

I'm a web developer who posts about the things I learn.